Thursday, June 25, 2009

This I Believe

This I Believe

I believe that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I think every time you experience something new, good or bad, it makes you a better person for it. Every time you experience something first hand, you learn and grow from it. Your brain and mind will take in the effects of what just happened and will remember it. If you should ever find yourself in a similar situation, you know what to expect. Your mind will kick in and remember what could happen, what will happen, and why it happened.
I’ve made mistakes in my life and I am better for them. I don’t regret my past mistakes. Regret is a terrible thing to live with, so every time I make a mistake, I know inside that this will help me later in life. Take this for example, I like free-running. When I was starting out I took a lot of falls, I mean a lot of falls. Eventually I learned my limits like how high I could jump off and how to land without hurting yourself. Every little error and stumble did its job in shaping my skills today. I think that worth scraping a few elbows and getting hurt because I wouldn’t be who I am today without the mistakes I make.
Yes, some mistakes hurt and can ruin your day, but a special friend told me something that has stuck with me. She said that when bad things happen, there is always something good that comes out of the situation. I was skeptical because at the time, I was going through a pretty rough patch of life. But now I see that the good she spoke of really does arrive, it just takes a little time. That rough patch better prepared me for the disappointment in life. When you have every aspect of something planned out and one thing goes wrong, it can shatter you. I learned then that things don’t always go the way you planned, that there is always going to be those constant variables. I understood about this but that reinforced and strengthened my belief in that.
I will always believe what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, that your past mistakes make you exactly who you are. You just have to open your eyes and embrace the fact that mistakes happen, and then take a little good away from every bad thing that comes your way. This I Believe in.